Fantagian Story- Pinkstardust

Posted: February 24, 2013 in Uncategorized


Hey. I’m Pinkstardust. I joined Fantage on July 10, 2009. I was just a nonmember, like everybody else that starts. I was just the same old. I wanted to overpower that. Not by being snobby and getting attention, but by changing.

Into the years, I was unknown. Things started building up when the Hall of Fame came out. You see, there was this really famous member girl named Civic_Princess. She had the highest level and everybody wanted to be her friend. She had a “PD” on Fantage named red_ninja. People would have riots over her because they loved her so much.
She stayed first place in the Hall of Fame’ All Time Rankings for a really long time. She was about level 1165 or something, haha. Kaykay12968 was second, and I was third around level 1013 at a point.
Civic_Princess’ membership ended soon. She was bumped out of the Hall of Fame, but at a shocking level 542 nonmember! She made a video and posted it on her YouTube channel saying that she quit. Even though Civic is a pretty cool person, it was time for me to make my move.
Now that Civic was gone, sadly, I was second place. Kaykay12968 was first. Through lots of game play and signing in everyday to be up to do with every event, I managed to become first! Soon, all of the places from 2-10 changed.
A lot of people started rumors about me. I don’t know who did, but they’re not true. To sum up this part: People say that I’m very mean. I have no respect for those with lower levels. I have other people do my submissions for me. I’m only nice to people with higher levels than me. I’m not worth spending time with, and I have treated others this way. When I clear out my list, I keep everyone with high levels and remove low leveled members and nonmembers. I don’t know what it’s like to be a nonmember, and I’m not worth following.
Well, to tell you, these rumors are not true. I’m nice to anyone that gets to know me. I have a few bad days, but that doesn’t make me a mean fantagian. I update my buddies list A LOT, and I don’t remove people based on levels. I’m nice to nonmembers. If I was only nice to higher-leveled people, I’d be nice to no one, and at the time, two people. I do know what it’s to be a nonmember. Everybody has been one at a time, and they have slight disadvantages. I’ll still be nice to the ones that actually try to accept me.
At this moment, I’m level 2530. I’ll still be on Fantage, but going forward, get to know me.

  1. Crystal says:

    Wow………. I’m rank 22 as a trendsetter in the lobby in the Hall of Fame April
    2013 😃

  2. iceycycle says:

    no one seems to know the real pink.
    and queenbee_ isn’t even in here! or mzcavs!
    and it’s basically just a competition between you and civic.


    Fantage Cheers! (I’ve been given permission.)

  3. Lalala says:

    ToT nice story I always wished to be famous but eh change but I wanted to be in the all time rankings

  4. Hi I am nonomomo86
    Plz meet me

  5. sasha96388 says:

    This story document the real pinkstardust

  6. Lily says:

    so is this made my the REAL pinkstardust?

  7. iloveart123 says:

    im a level 70 to pinkstardust: your my idol .

  8. Galaxycupcake142 says:

    Ok…. One question to ask do u own ashlymay44 if u do then Im ur friend I’m janangel142 I was in one your famtryouts u were my mom I hope I can meet u once again

  9. I wanna be famous too!!!!!
    User: lola58618
    But I don’t want people hAvking my aciunts and stuff

  10. Mealodiate says:

    So true.. I believe Pinkstardust is nice , and those people who says you are mean are just jealous-(Yeah they are) Well almost everyone says you are mean, meaning: All of them are just jealous

  11. Fantagefreak says:

    I have pinkstardust on kik anyone else have kik if ya do add me mad123go!!!!!

  12. I believe you!!! My bff said you were mean, I had to decide: ” Believe her ” or ” Don’t believe her ” so she said to tell her what u think tomorrow. I searched about you. Every website I found said you were mean. But then I found this! Proof that you weren’t mean from you! Even though she got mad at me, I believe you are not mean. She also said the rumors were true. When i said they are not, she logged out every time she saw me 😦 . She talks to me now, but she still thinks ur mean.
    Meet me someday. My username is Ruby34419 I always go on the full servers
    Your believer ( and not crazy fan ),
    Elsa the Snow Queen 🙂
    P.S; I am your fan, but I’m not crazy about u. If i meet u don’t worry I won’t tell anyone 😀

  13. uuuummm did u see the youtube videos?!?!?!?

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